Alfred Samuels
Advocate and Author
Agenda Sessions:
May 20,
08:50 AM
Co-Chair Welcome
May 20,
09:50 AM
Patient Perspectives on their Fears and Preferences in Clinical Research
Currently, over 2.5 million people in the UK are living with cancer including Alfred. Just over nine years ago, a diagnosis of advanced metastatic prostate cancer stage 4 was handed down to him unexpectedly, untimely and unwontedly. For the voiceless Alfred Samuels is the voice that echoes hope, motivation and inspiration in the fight against the deadly disease of prostate cancer; a disease that disproportionately affects black men.
Alfred is a Businessman, Entrepreneur, and Keynote/Public Speaker who is dedicated, ambitious, hardworking and passionate about life, business, success and the community. He thrives each day on seeking new opportunities and challenges with the desire to achieve.
Alfred has written two books, “Invincibility in the Face of Prostate Cancer: Coming out the Other Side,” and “Motivated to Inspire,” with the intention to inspire, motivate, uplift and educate people about prostate cancer. Through his books, it is Alfred’s wish to influence people and make them realise the value of the information that he has recorded. Since being diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer in 2012, Alfred has dedicated himself to raising awareness of the importance of research. To that end, he has thrown himself into patient involvement, becoming a media volunteer, a cancer campaigns ambassador, and a member of both CRUK’s Patient Involvement Network and the Research & Strategy Sounding Board.
In July 2019 Alfred was named Ambassador of the Year at the Cancer Research UK Flame of Hope awards which pay tribute to the extraordinary achievements of volunteers across The UK. Alfred sees this as not only an award for him but also, all other ambassadors and volunteers that relentlessly give their time in a bid to help others regardless of race or creed.